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Gaheris Wood

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Gaheris Wood Empty Gaheris Wood

Post by Buggy 11th February 2014, 3:58 pm

Name: Gaheris Wood

Gender: male

Age: 24

Race: Human

Affiliation: doesn't have one

His wits (if that count's)
And he can make traps

Clothing/Armor: he does not wear much armor, sometimes he'll wear a breast plate or helmet, maybe some shin guards or gauntlets, but only when he feels it's convienent for him, usually he jut wears simple shirts and trousers, just like anyone else, and when he travels he always wears his brown cloak

Appearance: he has extremely dark brown hair that usually looks black unless he's in very bright sunlight he let's it grow down to his mid-neck and has waves and usually wears it messy. He has a nice tan, and is not to lean, nor to buff, he is not to short, or to tall, he has dark brown eyes, and a dark scruffy beard as though he's forgotten to shave for a few days.

Personality: he is very laid back, and is usually in a good mood, he's hardly ever serious, but can be when he absolutely has to be, he's cocky, he's a good man though, and does what's right, and helps people who need it. He's also a little bit of a con artist, and plays card games or other games to gamble on, but he cheats, but he only takes from those who can afford to be taken from, when he see's someone in need he gives up whatever he can to the person who needs it more, and keeps going. He's very witty, and clever, which comes in handy with his tricks, he's also a big risk taker and doesn't think to hard on things, when others are unable to come up with a solution because they are reading to much into the problem, he comes up with the simplest solutions. Gaheris doesn't care for wealth, or fame, he's also a bit of a flirt

Biography: he was borne the bastard son of a knight in Helmsdeep, his mother fled Helms deep and ran to a village where she got a job as a bar maid and told everyone her husband fell in battle. She stayed and had Gaheris there, the owner of the bar was sympathetic to Gaheris's mother, and gave her a room, food and any other provisions she would need in exchange for her work, and when he was old enough, Gaheris's work as well. Gaheris grew up cleaning in the bar, and caring for a few chickens, a cow, and a horse that the owner of the bar kept out back, as he worked, he watched many tricks and games being played in the bar, and picked up on how to play them, and sometimes the men at the bar would teach him a trick or to. When Gaheris was twelve an old knight came to the village, he was to old to fight anymore, and so he farmed, Gaheris took a liking to him, and the Knight liked him, so the knight instructed him on how to use a sword properly, even giving Gaheris his old one he used for battle that he called his "lucky blade" saying it had gotten out of more then one fix. When Gaheris was fifteen years of age, the bar owner died of a sickness, and since he had no family, he left everything to Gaheris's mother, but his mother arranged for him to be apprentice to a blacksmith. Gaheris continued to practice his swordsmanship till it was near perfection. When he reached the age of twenty two, he decided he wanted more from life. he packed away his possessions and went off to become a knight, sadly though when he reached Helms deep the first knight he came in counter with was his father, he did not recognize the man, but once he told the knight his mothers name, the knight recognized him immediately, and not willing to risk his reputation, he turned Gaheris away. From then on, Gaheris rode around traveling alone, checking up on his mother once a year, and sending her letters often. When he was short on money he picked up an odd job from people at random, and often played bar games, cheating people who could afford it or he felt needed to learn a lesson, then he would set out again alone. When he was short on food and no village was near, he figured out how to set traps to catch dear, squirrels, rabbits and so forth, now he hardly ever really knows where he is, he just travels everywhere, and can show up anywhere at anytime.

He's good with a sword
He has wit
He's good with traps
He's a fast horse rider
He's pretty strong
He's an okay blacksmith

He is horrible at archery
He's not the strongest swimmer
Any armor he has is weak
He can't use an Axe, unable to control it well
Doesn't t always think things through
Drinks/ smokes more then he should
He's not very light on his feet
He has no magic or healing abilities

Misc: he is a good singer, but when he's drunk he sings loudly and off key, he always has at least one full bottle of ale with him, and smokes quiet a bit. His movements are usually lazy, but he can be agile when put in a dangerous situation. He has a dark brown horse called Finn, who Gaheris would never travel without.

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